Asphalt path/driveway – cracks


Overloading of the path design/construction such as vehicles driving over footpaths or trucks using a driveway designed for car traffic only  


  • repair cracks without delay – over time, rainwater entering cracks can erode the soil under the path/driveway and may eventually lead to potholes forming

  • with small cracks, clean out all loose debris, soil and weeds. Apply a proprietary cold mix asphalt filler – these are widely available, typically in a 1 litre container for very small cracks and a 15–20kg bag/bucket for larger jobs. Follow the product instructions

  • for larger cracks and potholes, clean out all loose debris, soil and weeds and then cut back the sides to make them even and straight – this makes for a stronger bond with the repair mix. If a pothole is over 100 mm deep, fill with gravel to within 50 mm of the top and compact. Applying a proprietary emulsion to the sides of the pothole/crack can help the cold mix adhere to the faces. Fill the pothole with the asphalt mix following the manufacturer’s instructions. This may include compacting, which can be done by placing a board over the filled crack or pothole and driving back and forwards over it

  • an alternative is to engage an experienced contractor to repair the damaged area or remove the old asphalt and replace with new

  • clean asphalt paths/driveways annually. Remove loose debris by sweeping with a stiff bristle broom, then wash with a mains-pressure hose, using household detergent on stains if necessary

  • to remain in good condition, asphalt paths/driveways should be resurfaced/sealed with a proprietary emulsion every 4–5 years.


Inadequate base preparation 


  • as above

  • if the problem is extensive or recurring, engage an experienced contractor to remove the old asphalt and replace with new


Soil subsidence


  • as above

  • if the problem is extensive or recurring, engage an experienced contractor to remove the old asphalt and replace with new


Tree roots


  • where area of damage is small, remove tree roots and damaged asphalt and repair as above

  • where area of damage is larger, engage an experienced contractor to remove tree roots and damaged asphalt and place new asphalt on a compacted gravel base

  • if the problem is likely to recur, remove or replace the tree


Weed growth through asphalt


  • apply weedkiller as necessary to prevent the problem recurring

  • see first repair