Blockages at external gutter outlets or overflows

Listed under: metal, plastic, Roof, gutters


Leaves or debris, tennis balls, plastic bags


  • when working at height, always let someone know. Ensure the access ladder is safe and is securely set up on stable ground

  • clear out the gutter and outlet or overflow (ensuring that the outlet or overflow discharges water effectively outside the building)

  • prune back tree branches over the roof that may be the source of leaves/twigs blocking the gutters

  • depending on the environment around the house, consider fitting leaf guards over gutters

  • check the gutters as regularly as required – annually, twice a year or quarterly


Ice, hail or snow 


  • as above

  • at the same time, check the brackets supporting the gutters. Brackets in areas of snowfall should generally be no greater than 300 mm apart