Ceiling has become yellow

Listed under: Interior, finishes, paint, ceilings


Smoke from a fireplace and/or people smoking inside


  • with plasterboard ceilings, wash the ceiling thoroughly with a household cleaner and soft brush or cloth. Alternatively, steam clean with a portable (hand-held) steam cleaner and wipe with a soft cloth. Allow to dry. If the discolouration remains, apply a good-quality low-sheen acrylic ceiling paint. Use a short pile roller for the large expanses of plasterboard and follow the paint manufacturer’s instructions

  • with textured ceilings, their crumbly nature makes cleaning difficult. If the discolouration is severe, replacement will be required

  • a textured ceiling from the 1960s to mid 1980s may contain asbestos, a substance that can be very dangerous if breathed into the lungs. Have a sample tested before carrying out any work on the ceiling. A minimum of one teaspoonful is required, including any sparkly material if present. For more details on testing, see the Asbestos maintenance guide. Do not remove materials containing asbestos yourself. The WorkSafe website has more details for homeowners