Window/door hardware – corroded/deteriorated finish


Weathering, UV light exposure, or unsuitable finish for the location


  • first try cleaning and polishing with a light multi-purpose oil from a hardware store

  • avoid using strong solvent-based cleaners such as WD-40 as the main cleaner. These should only be used in locking cylinders, not over the whole of the hardware

  • if the hardware cannot be restored to an acceptable appearance, replace it. Ensure that replacement outdoor hardware is specifically made for exterior use, from stainless steel, powder-coated zinc, solid brass etc. For extremely exposed locations – very close to a surf beach, for example – look for especially durable hardware. Some door and window hardware for exposed locations comes with a 15 year warranty

  • clean the hardware as frequently as required to keep it in good order. This may be 6-monthly in rural locations or more frequently where there is salt spray or industrial or agricultural pollutants in the air


Insufficient cleaning


  • as above