No water (mains supply)

Listed under: plumbing, pipes, Services


Toby has been turned off


  • check why it was turned off, then turn on


Mains water supply disrupted


  • wait for supply to be restored or contact water supply company


Water supply pipe cut


  • contact registered plumber (or water supply company if cut is not within your section)


Frozen pipes


  • Identify the frozen pipe; try to locate blockage
  • open the tap supplied by the frozen pipe. Options include:
    • turn up the heat in the house; wait until water thaws
    • open up wall or ceiling section to access frozen section of pipe; thaw the pipe using infrared lamp, hair dryer, portable heater, pipe heat tape. Heat the pipe from the tap toward the frozen area; the water can then flow out as the ice melts.
  • If the pipe bursts before it is thawed, shut off the water at the toby (or turn off the supply pump) and call a registered plumber.