Planting or mulch blocking subfloor vents

Listed under: Subfloor, Section


Plant growth


  • trim back plants and remove organic matter until the subfloor vents are completely clear. Ensure there is no planting that will block the vents as it grows. This may require removal of existing plants or replacement with more suitable species

  • ensure good subfloor ventilation:

    • there should be not less than 3500 mm² of clear open subfloor venting (grilles or gaps between baseboards) for every 1 m² of floor area

    • ventilation openings should ideally be high in the subfloor space, near to the underside of bearers

    • vents should be spread evenly around the building perimeter to allow cross-ventilation

    • no part of the subfloor should be more than 7.5 m from a ventilation opening.


Plants installed in front of vents


  • trim back plants and remove organic matter until the subfloor vents are completely clear. Ensure there is no planting that will block the vents as it grows. This may require removal of existing plants or replacement with more suitable species

  • ensure good subfloor ventilation:

    • there should be not less than 3500 mm² of clear open subfloor venting (grilles or gaps between baseboards) for every 1 m² of floor area

    • ventilation openings should ideally be high in the subfloor space, near to the underside of bearers

    • vents should be spread evenly around the building perimeter to allow cross-ventilation

    • no part of the subfloor should be more than 7.5 m from a ventilation opening.


Build-up of organic matter over time


  • trim back plants and remove organic matter until the subfloor vents are completely clear. Ensure there is no planting that will block the vents as it grows. This may require removal of existing plants or replacement with more suitable species

  • ensure good subfloor ventilation:

    • there should be not less than 3500 mm² of clear open subfloor venting (grilles or gaps between baseboards) for every 1 m² of floor area

    • ventilation openings should ideally be high in the subfloor space, near to the underside of bearers

    • vents should be spread evenly around the building perimeter to allow cross-ventilation

    • no part of the subfloor should be more than 7.5 m from a ventilation opening.