Stains on window and door glass

Listed under: Interior, Exterior, glass, stains, doors, windows


Alkaline run-off from concrete, cement plaster or cement mortar


  • avoid alkaline run-off over the glass by painting concrete and cement plaster, diverting run-off from cement mortar
  • clean windows more frequently in areas of high atmospheric pollution such as industrial areas
  • if staining is not too severe, rub a paste of jeweller's rouge or whiting over stained area, rinsing thoroughly after application Alternatively use a proprietary glass cleaning system
  • replace severely deteriorated glass


Use of alkaline cleaners


  • use only non-alkaline cleaners
  • clean windows more frequently in areas of high atmospheric pollution such as industrial areas
  • if staining is not too severe, rub a paste of jeweller's rouge or whiting over stained area, rinsing thoroughly after application Alternatively use a proprietary glass cleaning system
  • replace severely deteriorated glass