Asphalt shingles – loss of chip coating


Surface degradation due to age


  • where a few shingles only are affected, replace the shingles
  • if a large number of shingles are affected, the roof should be replaced. If the old asphalt shingle roof has met minimum Building Code durability provisions (it has lasted at least 15 years) a building consent is not required; if not, a consent must be obtained before reroofing.


Careless walking on the roof


  • where a few shingles only are affected, replace the shingles
  • if a large number of shingles are affected, the roof should be replaced. If the old asphalt shingle roof has met minimum Building Code durability provisions (it has lasted at least 15 years) a building consent is not required; if not, a consent must be obtained before reroofing.